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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | systema nervosum centrale Short Extended |
Level 2 | encephalon Short Extended |
Current level | telencephalon Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
62000 | 5264 | tax |
telencephalon ; cerebrum
télencéphale ; cerveau
12095 |
morphologia externa telencephali
morphologie externe du télencéphale
83727 | 5976 | tax |
fissura longitudinalis cerebri
fissure longitudinale du cerveau
61817 | 5971↓ | tax |
hemispherium cerebri (par)
hémisphère cérébral (paire)
83874 | 5973 | tax |
gyri cerebri (par)
gyrus cérébraux (paire)
327491 | 5975 | tax |
sulci cerebri (par)
sillons cérébraux (paire)
84361 | 5978 | tax |
fossa lateralis cerebri (par)
fosse cérébrale latérale (paire)
14197 |
vallecula cerebri (par)
vallécule cérébrale (paire)
75140 | 5979 | tax |
margo superior (par)
bord supérieur (paire)
75141 | 5980 | tax |
margo inferomedialis (par)
bord inféromédial (paire)
75142 | 5981 | tax |
margo inferolateralis (par)
bord inférolatéral (paire)
5982 | tax |
facies superolateralis (par)
face supérolatérale (paire)
6037 | tax |
facies inferomedialis (par)
face inféromédiale (paire)
12438 | tax |
gyri interlobares (par) P4 29 children
gyrus interlobaires (paire)
12439 | tax |
operculum insulare (par)
opercule insulaire (paire)
74886 | 5993 | tax |
operculum frontale (par)
opercule frontal (paire)
74889 | 6007↓ | tax |
operculum parietale (par)
opercule pariétal (paire)
74891 | 6020↓ | tax |
operculum temporale (par)
opercule temporal (paire)
274737 | 8666↓ | tax |
gyrus subcentralis (par)
gyrus subcentral (paire)
77534 | 6045 | tax |
lobulus paracentralis (par)
lobule paracentral (paire)
77537 | 6046 | tax |
gyrus paracentralis anterior (par)
gyrus paracentral antérieur (paire)
12237 |
cortex motorius primarius (par)
cortex moteur primaire (paire)
77538 | 6058 | tax |
gyrus paracentralis posterior (par)
gyrus paracentral postérieur (paire)
13176 |
sulci interlobares (par) P4 45 children
sillons interlobaires (paire)
5983 | tax |
sulci interlobares superolaterales (par)
sillons interlobaires supérolatéraux (paire)
83752 | 5984 |
sulcus centralis (par)
sillon central (paire)
77801 | 5985 |
sulcus lateralis (par)
sillon latéral (paire)
83761 | 5986 |
ramus posterior (par)
rameau postérieur (paire)
83759 | 5987 |
ramus ascendens (par)
rameau ascendant (paire)
83760 | 5988 |
ramus anterior (par)
rameau antérieur (paire)
83754 | 5989 |
sulcus parietooccipitalis (par)
sillon pariétooccipital (paire)
83739 | 5990 | tax |
incisura preoccipitalis (par)
incisure préoccipitale (paire)
9115 | tax |
sulci interlobares inferomediales (par)
sillons interlobaires inféromédiaux (paire)
83743 | 6038 |
sulcus corporis callosi (par)
sillon du corps calleux (paire)
83748 | 6039 |
sulcus cingularis (par) ; sulcus cinguli (par)
sillon cingulaire (paire) ; sillon de la ceinture (paire)
83773 | 6040 |
ramus marginalis (par) ; sulcus marginalis (par)
rameau marginal (paire) ; sillon marginal (paire)
83777 | 6041 |
sulcus subparietalis (par)
sillon subpariétal (paire)
83751 | 6042 |
sulcus collateralis (par) ; sulcus occipitotemporalis medialis (par)
sillon collatéral (paire) ; sillon occipitotemporal médial (paire)
83752 | 5984 | |||||
61823 | 5974 | tax |
lobi cerebri (par)
lobes cérébraux (paire)
61824 | 5991 |
lobus frontalis (par) P4 225 children
lobe frontal (paire)
8658 |
facies superolateralis (par)
face supérolatérale (paire)
8659↓ | tax |
sulcus frontomarginalis (par)
sillon frontomarginal (paire)
74885 | 5992↓ |
polus frontalis (par)
pôle frontal (paire)
274406 | 11028 | tax |
area frontopolaris (par)
aire frontopolaire (paire)
274408 | 11029 | tax |
gyrus frontopolaris superior (par)
gyrus frontopolaire supérieur (paire)
274420 | 11032 | tax |
gyrus frontopolaris medius (par)
gyrus frontopolaire moyen (paire)
274414 | 11034 | tax |
gyrus frontopolaris inferior (par)
gyrus frontopolaire inférieur (paire)
274504 | 11035 | tax |
gyrus frontomarginalis (par)
gyrus frontomarginal (paire)
74886 | 5993 | tax | ||||
61860 | 5994 | tax |
gyrus frontalis inferior (par)
gyrus frontal inférieur (paire)
61982 | 5995 | tax |
pars orbitalis (par)
partie orbitaire (paire)
61980 | 5996↓ | tax |
pars triangularis (par)
partie triangulaire (paire)
11840 |
sulcus radiatus (par)
sillon radiant (paire)
61981 | 5997 | tax |
pars opercularis (par)
partie operculaire (paire)
83758 | 8780↓ | tax |
sulcus diagonalis (par)
sillon diagonal (paire)
83757 | 5998 | tax |
sulcus frontalis inferior (par)
sillon frontal inférieur (paire)
273103 | 5999 | tax |
gyrus frontalis medius (par)
gyrus frontal moyen (paire)
8660 |
cortex prefrontalis superolateralis (par)
cortex préfrontal supérolatéral (paire)
8661 |
cortex prefrontalis dorsolateralis (par)
cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (paire)
8662 |
cortex prefrontalis ventrolateralis (par)
cortex préfrontal ventrolatéral (paire)
8663↓ |
cortex premotorius superolateralis (par)
cortex prémoteur supérolatéral (paire)
8664↓ |
cortex premotorius dorsalis (par)
cortex prémoteur dorsal (paire)
8665↓ |
cortex premotorius ventralis (par)
cortex prémoteur ventral (paire)
61894 | 6000 | tax |
gyrus precentralis (par)
gyrus précentral (paire)
12236 |
cortex motorius primarius gyri precentralis (par)
cortex moteur primaire du gyrus précentral (paire)
83800 | 6001 | tax |
sulcus precentralis (par)
sillon précentral (paire)
83765 | 8667↓ | tax |
sulcus subcentralis anterior (par)
sillon subcentral antérieur (paire)
83778 | 8668↓ | tax |
sulcus subcentralis posterior (par)
sillon subcentral postérieur (paire)
61857 | 6002 | tax |
gyrus frontalis superior (par)
gyrus frontal supérieur (paire)
83755 | 6003 | tax |
sulcus frontalis superior (par)
sillon frontal supérieur (paire)
9118 |
facies inferomedialis (par)
face inféromédiale (paire)
61857 | 6002 | tax | ||||
12158↓ |
sulcus paracingularis (par)
sillon paracingulaire (paire)
12159↓ | tax |
gyrus paracingularis (par)
gyrus paracingulaire (paire)
83782 | 6044 | tax |
sulcus paracentralis (par)
sillon paracentral (paire)
77534 | 6045 | tax | ||||
77537 | 6046 | tax | ||||
12237 | ||||||
8669 |
cortex prefrontalis inferomedialis (par)
cortex préfrontal inféromédial (paire)
8670 |
cortex prefrontalis medialis (par)
cortex préfrontal médial (paire)
8671↓ |
cortex premotorius inferomedialis (par)
cortex prémoteur inféromédial (paire)
8672↓ |
cortex premotorius medialis (par)
cortex prémoteur médial (paire)
61890 | 6047 | tax |
area subcallosa (par) ; gyrus subcallosus (par)
aire subcalleuse (paire) ; gyrus subcalleux (paire)
61919 | 6048 | tax |
gyrus paraterminalis (par)
gyrus paraterminal (paire)
61890 | 6049 | tax |
area paraolfactoria (par)
aire paraolfactive (paire)
72019 | 6050 | tax |
gyrus paraolfactorius (par)
gyrus paraolfactif (paire)
6051 | tax |
sulci paraolfactorii (par)
sillons paraolfactifs (paire)
83744 | 8673 | tax |
sulcus paraolfactorius anterior (par)
sillon paraolfactif antérieur (paire)
83745 | 8674 | tax |
sulcus paraolfactorius posterior (par)
sillon paraolfactif postérieur (paire)
256194 | 6052↓ | tax |
gyri orbitales (par)
gyrus orbitaires (paire)
62419 | 8675↓ |
gyrus orbitalis medialis (par)
gyrus orbitaire médial (paire)
256196 | 8676↓ |
gyrus orbitalis anterior (par)
gyrus orbitaire antérieur (paire)
80184 | 8677↓ |
gyrus orbitalis posterior (par)
gyrus orbitaire postérieur (paire)
62418 | 8678↓ |
gyrus orbitalis lateralis (par)
gyrus orbitaire latéral (paire)
12160↓ |
lobulus orbitalis posteromedialis (par)
lobule orbitaire postéromédial (paire)
12161↓ |
regio orbitalis posterolateralis (par)
région orbitaire postérolatérale (paire)
83770 | 6053↓ | tax |
sulci orbitales (par)
sillons orbitaires (paire)
8679↓ | tax |
sulcus orbitalis lateralis (par)
sillon orbitaire latéral (paire)
83771 | 8680↓ | tax |
sulcus orbitalis transversus (par)
sillon orbitaire transverse (paire)
8681↓ | tax |
sulcus orbitalis medialis (par)
sillon orbitaire médial (paire)
12162↓ |
sulcus rostralis superior (par)
sillon rostral supérieur (paire)
12163↓ |
sulcus rostralis inferior (par)
sillon rostral inférieur (paire)
61893 | 6054 | tax |
gyrus rectus (par)
gyrus droit (paire)
83769 | 6055 | tax |
sulcus olfactorius (par)
sillon olfactif (paire)
8682 |
substantia perforata anterior (par) ; substantia perforata rostralis (par)
substance perforée antérieure (paire) ; substance perforée rostrale (paire)
8683 |
structurae olfactoriae (par)
structures olfactives (paire)
77624 | 6195 | tax |
bulbus olfactorius (par)
bulbe olfactif (paire)
77625 | 6196 |
pedunculus olfactorius (par)
pédoncule olfactif (paire)
77626 | 6197 | tax | ||||
74883 | 6198 |
trigonum olfactorium (par)
trigone olfactif (paire)
61891 | 6199 | |||||
6200 |
striae olfactoriae (par)
stries olfactives (paire)
77627 | 6201 |
stria olfactoria medialis (par)
strie olfactive médiale (paire)
61971 | 6202 |
stria olfactoria lateralis (par)
strie olfactive latérale (paire)
14202 |
tractus olfactorius lateralis (par)
voie olfactive latérale (paire)
8686↓ |
regio retrobulbaris (par)
région rétrobulbaire (paire)
8687 |
cortex piriformis (par) ; cortex olfactorius primarius (par)
cortex piriforme (paire) ; cortex olfactif primaire (paire)
8689 |
pars frontalis (par)
partie frontale (paire)
8690 |
pars temporalis (par)
partie temporale (paire)
61826 | 6004 |
lobus parietalis (par) P4 50 children
lobe pariétal (paire)
8698 |
facies superolateralis (par)
face supérolatérale (paire)
61896 | 6009 | tax |
gyrus postcentralis (par)
gyrus postcentral (paire)
12238 |
cortex somatosensorius primarius gyri postcentralis (par)
cortex somatosensoriel primaire du gyrus postcentral (paire)
83774 | 6010 | tax |
sulcus postcentralis (par)
sillon postcentral (paire)
61899 | 6011↓ | tax |
lobulus parietalis superior (par)
lobule pariétal supérieur (paire)
83772 | 6008↓ | tax |
sulcus intraparietalis (par)
sillon intrapariétal (paire)
8781↓ | tax |
sulcus intermedius primus (par) ; sulcus intermedius anterior (par)
premier sillon intermédiaire (paire); sillon intermédiaire antérieur (paire)
8782↓ | tax |
sulcus intermedius secundus (par) ; sulcus intermedius posterior (par)
deuxième sillon intermédiaire (paire); sillon intermédiaire postérieur (paire)
9122↓ | tax | |||||
77536 | 6006↓ | tax |
lobulus parietalis inferior (par)
lobule pariétal inférieur (paire)
61898 | 6005↓ | tax |
gyrus angularis (par)
gyrus angulaire (paire)
74889 | 6007↓ | tax | ||||
61897 | 6012↓ | tax |
gyrus supramarginalis (par)
gyrus supramarginal (paire)
9120 |
facies inferomedialis (par)
face inféromédiale (paire)
77534 | 6045 | tax | ||||
77538 | 6058 | tax | ||||
12239 | ||||||
9122↓ | tax |
sulcus parietalis transversus (par)
sillon pariétal transverse (paire)
61900 | 6059 | tax |
precuneus (par)
précunéus (paire)
83777 | 6041 | |||||
67325 | 6013 |
lobus occipitalis (par) P4 55 children
lobe occipital (paire)
8700 |
facies superolateralis (par)
face supérolatérale (paire)
74892 | 6014 |
polus occipitalis (par)
pôle occipital (paire)
83788 | 6015 | tax |
sulcus lunatus (par)
sillon lunaire (paire)
83786 | 6016 | tax |
sulcus occipitalis transversus (par)
sillon occipital transverse (paire)
61901 | 8701 | tax |
gyrus occipitalis superior (par)
gyrus occipital supérieur (paire)
61902 | 8702 | tax |
gyrus occipitalis medius (par)
gyrus occipital moyen (paire)
273129 | 8703 | tax |
gyrus occipitalis inferior (par)
gyrus occipital inférieur (paire)
274557 | 8691 | tax |
gyrus occipitalis descendens (par)
gyrus occipital descendant (paire)
8692 |
area striata superolateralis (par)
aire striée supérolatérale (paire)
68614 | 9119 | |||||
8784 |
area extrastriata superolateralis (par)
aire extrastriée supérolatérale (paire)
9125 |
facies inferomedialis (par)
face inféromédiale (paire)
61903 | 6060 | tax |
cuneus (par)
cunéus (paire)
83749 | 6061 | tax |
sulcus calcarinus (par)
sillon calcarin (paire) ; scissure calcarine (paire)
61904 | 6062 | tax |
gyrus lingularis (par) ; gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis (par)
gyrus lingulaire (paire) ; gyrus occipitotemporal médial (paire)
74518 | 6065 | tax |
sulcus occipitotemporalis (par) ; sulcus occipitotemporalis lateralis (par)
sillon occipitotemporal (paire) ; sillon occipitotemporal latéral (paire)
8704 |
area striata inferomedialis (par)
aire striée inféromédiale (paire)
68614 | 9119 | |||||
8709 |
area extrastriata inferomedialis (par)
aire extrastriée inféromédiale (paire)
61825 | 6017 |
lobus temporalis (par) P4 82 children
lobe temporal (paire)
8705 |
facies superolateralis (par)
face supérolatérale (paire)
74890 | 6018 |
polus temporalis (par)
pôle temporal (paire)
61905 | 6019↓ | tax |
gyrus temporalis superior (par)
gyrus temporal supérieur (paire)
8706↓ |
pars anterior (par) ; cortex auditorius secundarius (par)
partie antérieure (paire) ; cortex auditif secondaire (paire)
8708↓ |
pars posterior (par)
partie postérieure (paire)
74891 | 6020↓ | tax | ||||
71043 | 8710 | tax |
planum polare (par)
plan polaire (paire)
273671 | 6021↓ | tax |
gyri temporales transversi (par)
gyrus temporaux transverses (paire)
12252 |
cortex auditorius primarius (par)
cortex auditif primaire (paire)
61909 | 6022 |
gyrus temporalis transversus anterior (par)
gyrus temporal transverse antérieur (paire)
61910 | 6023 |
gyrus temporalis transversus posterior (par)
gyrus temporal transverse postérieur (paire)
71045 | 6024↓ | tax |
planum temporale (par)
planum temporale (paire); plan temporal (paire)
83782 | 6025 | tax |
sulci temporales transversi (par)
sillons temporaux transverses (paire)
8711 | tax |
sulcus temporalis transversus anterior (par)
sillon temporal transverse antérieur (paire)
8712 | tax |
sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius (par)
sillon temporal transverse intermédiaire (paire)
8713 | tax |
sulcus temporalis transversus posterior (par)
sillon temporal transverse postérieur (paire)
83783 | 6026 | tax |
sulcus temporalis superior (par)
sillon temporal supérieur (paire)
61906 | 6027 | tax |
gyrus temporalis medius (par)
gyrus temporal moyen (paire)
83784 | 6028 | tax |
sulcus temporalis inferior (par)
sillon temporal inférieur (paire)
61907 | 6029↓ | tax |
gyrus temporalis inferior (par)
gyrus temporal inférieur (paire)
9129 |
facies inferomedialis (par)
face inféromédiale (paire)
61907 | 6029↓ | tax | ||||
74518 | 6065 | tax | ||||
61908 | 6063 | tax |
gyrus fusiformis (par) ; gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis (par)
gyrus fusiforme (paire) ; gyrus occipitotemporal latéral (paire)
12164 |
pars medialis gyri fusiformis (par)
partie médiale du gyrus fusiforme (paire)
12165 |
pars lateralis gyri fusiformis (par)
partie latérale du gyrus fusiforme (paire)
8714↓ |
cortex ectorhinalis (par)
cortex ectorhinal (paire)
12166 |
sulcus fusiformis medius (par)
sillon fusiforme moyen (paire)
83751 | 6042 | |||||
61918 | 6070 | tax | ||||
67329 | 6030↓ |
insula (par) P4 44 children
îlot (paire)
274526 | 6031 | tax |
gyri insulae (par)
gyrus du îlot (paire) ; gyrus insulaires (paire)
67555 | 6032 | tax |
gyri longi insulae (par)
gyrus longs du îlot (paire)
274723 | 11498 | tax |
gyrus longus anterior insulae (par)
gyrus long antérieur du îlot (paire)
274729 | 11508 | tax |
gyrus longus posterior insulae (par)
gyrus long postérieur du îlot (paire)
61913 | 6033 | tax |
gyri breves insulae (par)
gyrus courts du îlot (paire)
274705 | 11509 | tax |
gyrus brevis anterior insulae (par)
gyrus court antérieur du îlot (paire)
274711 | 11510 | tax |
gyrus brevis medius insulae (par)
gyrus court moyen du îlot (paire)
274717 | 11511 | tax |
gyrus brevis posterior insulae (par)
gyrus court postérieur du îlot (paire)
12167 | tax |
gyrus transversus insulae (par)
gyrus transverse du îlot (paire)
61915 | 11513 | tax |
gyrus accessorius anterior insulae (par)
gyrus accessoire antérieur du îlot (paire)
83753 | 6035 | tax |
sulcus circularis insulae (par) ; sulcus periinsularis (par)
sillon circulaire du îlot (paire) ; sillon périinsulaire (paire)
83779 | 6034 | tax |
sulcus centralis superior insulae (par)
sillon central supérieur du îlot (paire)
75266 | 6036 | tax |
limen insulae (par)
limen du îlot (paire)
9241 |
regio peripaleocorticalis claustralis (par)
région péripaléocorticale claustrale (paire)
72719 | 6066 |
lobus limbicus (par) P4 137 children
lobe limbique (paire)
275048 | 8717 | tax |
gyrus limbicus (par)
gyrus limbique (paire)
61890 | 6047 | tax | ||||
62434 | 6067↓ | tax |
gyrus cingularis (par)
gyrus cingulaire (paire) ; gyrus de la ceinture (paire)
61916 | 8718 |
pars anterior (par)
partie antérieure (paire)
276530 | 8720 |
pars media (par)
partie moyenne (paire)
61924 | 8726 |
pars posterior (par)
partie postérieure (paire)
9433↓ | ||||||
62502 | 6068 |
isthmus gyri cingularis (par)
isthme du gyrus cingulaire (paire)
61918 | 6070 | tax |
gyrus parahippocampalis (par)
gyrus parahippocampique (paire)
8740↓ |
cortex entorhinalis (par)
cortex entorhinal (paire)
8741 |
substantia reticularis alba (par)
matière blanche réticulaire (paire)
8742↓ |
verrucae hippocampi (par)
verrues hippocampiques (paire)
8719↓ |
cortex perirhinalis (par)
cortex périrhinal (paire)
9432 |
subregio transentorhinalis (par)
subrégion transentorhinal (paire)
74884 | 6071↓ |
uncus (par)
uncus (paire)
8734↓ | tax |
gyrus ambiens (par)
gyrus ambiens (paire)
8735↓ | tax |
sulcus semianularis (par)
sillon semianulaire (paire)
8736↓ | tax |
gyrus semilunaris (par)
gyrus semilunaire (paire)
8737↓ | tax |
gyrus uncinatus (par)
gyrus unciforme (paire)
8738↓ |
limbus fasciae dentatae (par)
limbe du fascia denté (paire); limbe du gyrus denté (paire)
275054 | 8739↓ | tax |
gyrus intralimbicus (par)
gyrus intralimbique (paire)
83751 | 6042 | |||||
83746 | 6076 | tax |
sulcus rhinalis (par)
sillon rhinal (paire)
8756↓ | tax |
sulcus intrarhinalis (par)
sillon intrarhinal (paire)
12155↓ |
regio periamygdaloidea (par)
région périamygdaloïde (paire)
74038 | 8721 | tax |
formatio hippocampi (par)
formation hippocampique (paire)
277774 | 8722 |
pars precommissuralis hippocampi (par)
partie précommissurale de l'hippocampe (paire)
8723 |
pars supracommissuralis hippocampi (par)
partie supracommissurale de l'hippocampe (paire)
62439 | 6083 |
stria longitudinalis lateralis (par)
strie longitudinale latérale (paire)
62488 | 6082 |
indusium griseum (par)
indusium gris (paire)
67956 | 6084 |
stria longitudinalis medialis (par)
strie longitudinale médiale (paire)
277777 | 8724↓ |
hippocampus proprius (par) ; pars retrocommissuralis hippocampi (par)
hippocampe propre (paire) ; partie rétrocommissurale de l'hippocampe (paire)
12253 |
divisiones hippocampi proprii (par)
divisions de l'hippocampe propre (paire)
323277 | 6146 |
pes hippocampi (par)
pied de l'hippocampe (paire)
6147 |
digitationes hippocampi (par)
digitations de l'hippocampe (paire)
275036 | 9275 |
caput hippocampi (par) ; segmentum anterius hippocampi (par)
tête de l'hippocampe (paire) ; segment antérieur de l'hippocampe (paire)
275030 | 9278 |
corpus hippocampi (par) ; segmentum medium hippocampi (par)
corps de l'hippocampe (paire) ; segment moyen de l'hippocampe (paire)
275042 | 9294 |
cauda hippocampi (par) ; segmentum posterius hippocampi (par)
queue de l'hippocampe (paire) ; segment postérieur de l'hippocampe (paire)
83747 | 6072 | tax |
sulcus hippocampalis (par)
sillon hippocampique (paire)
61922 | 6073 | tax |
gyrus dentatus (par) ; fascia dentata (par)
gyrus denté (paire) ; fascia denté (paire)
83728 | 6074 | tax |
sulcus fimbriodentatus (par)
sillon fimbriodenté (paire)
8762↓ | tax |
dentes subiculi (par) ; gyri subspleniales (par)
dents du subiculum (paire) ; gyrus subspléniaux (paire)
61921 | 6069↓ | tax |
gyrus fasciolaris (par)
gyrus fasciolaire (paire)
275093 | 8757↓ | tax |
fasciola cinerea (par)
fasciola cinerea (paire)
74414 | 6149 | tax |
subiculum (par)
subiculum (paire)
62486 | 6148 | tax |
presubiculum (par)
présubiculum (paire)
77604 | 6145 | tax |
parasubiculum (par)
parasubiculum (paire)
86464 | 6077 | tax |
corpus callosum P4 4 children
corps calleux
61945 | 6078 | tax |
61946 | 6079 | tax |
6080 | tax |
truncus ; corpus
tronc ; corps
61948 | 6081 | tax |
31719 | 840 | tax | ||||
61874 | 6099 | tax |
62472 | 6100 |
lamina (par)
lame (paire)
12096 |
morphologia interna telencephali
morphologie interne du télencéphale
61830 | 6124 | tax |
cortex cerebri (par)
cortex cérébral (paire)
61830 | 5972↓ |
pallium (par)
pallium (paire)
8793↓ |
pallium dorsale (par)
pallium dorsal (paire)
8798↓ |
pallium laterale (par)
pallium latéral (paire)
8826↓ |
pallium mediale (par)
pallium médial (paire)
8827↓ |
pallium ventrale (par)
pallium ventral (paire)
62429 | 6130 | tax |
isocortex (par) ; neocortex (par) P4 182 children
isocortex (paire) ; néocortex (paire)
8830↓ |
isocortex granularis (par)
isocortex granulaire (paire)
8851 |
areae sensoriae primariae (par)
aires sensorielles primaires (paire)
8852 |
areae sensoriae unimodales (par)
aires sensorielles unimodales (paire)
8853 |
areae associationis ordini magni (par); areae majores associationis (par)
aires d'associationes des hauts niveaux (paire); aires d'associationes principales (paire)
8868 |
isocortex agranularis (par)
isocortex agranulaire (paire)
8869 |
area motoria primaria (par)
aire motrice primaire (paire)
8919 |
areae motoriae nonprimariae (par)
aires motrices nonprimaires (paire)
242257 | 6131 | tax |
strata isocorticis (par)
couches du isocortex (paire)
242259 | 6132 |
lamina molecularis (par) ; lamina I (par)
lame moléculaire (paire) ; lame I (paire)
242264 | 6133 |
lamina granularis externa (par) ; lamina II (par)
lame granulaire externe (paire) ; lame II (paire)
242283 | 6134 |
lamina pyramidalis externa (par) ; lamina III (par)
lame pyramidale externe (paire) ; lame III (paire)
242298 | 6135 |
lamina granularis interna (par) ; lamina IV (par)
lame granulaire interne (paire) ; lame IV (paire)
242313 | 6136 |
lamina pyramidalis interna (par) ; lamina V (par)
lame pyramidale interne (paire) ; lame V (paire)
242333 | 6137 |
lamina multiformis (par) ; lamina VI (par)
lame multiforme (paire) ; lame VI (paire)
8928 |
striae fibrarum myelinatarum isocorticis (par)
stries des fibres myelinisées du isocortex (paire)
77807 | 6138 |
stria laminae molecularis iso (par) ; lamina 1 (par) ; lamina tangentialis (par)
strie de la lame moléculaire (paire) ; lame 1 (paire) ; lame tangentielle (paire)
8929 |
sublamina superficialis (par) ; sublamina 1a (par)
sublame superficiel (paire) ; sublame 1a (paire)
8982 |
sublamina intermedia (par) ; sublamina 1b (par)
sublame intermédiaire (paire) ; sublame 1b (paire)
9021 |
sublamina profunda (par) ; sublamina 1c (par)
sublame profond (paire) ; sublame 1c (paire)
9022 |
lamina dysfibrosa (par) ; lamina 2 (par)
lame dysfibreuse (paire) ; lame 2 (paire)
9083 |
lamina suprastriata (par) ; lamina 3 (par)
lame suprastriée (paire) ; lame 3 (paire)
9084 |
sublamina superficialis (par) ; sublamina 3a (par)
sublame superficiel (paire) ; sublame 3a (paire)
9085 |
sublamina intermedia (par) ; sublamina 3b (par)
sublame intermédiaire (paire) ; sublame 3b (paire)
9086 |
sublamina profunda (par) ; sublamina 3c (par)
sublame profond (paire) ; sublame 3c (paire)
9087 |
stria laminae pyramidalis externae iso (par) ; lamina 4 (par)
strie de la lame pyramidale externe (paire) ; lame 4 (paire)
9101 |
lamina intrastriata (par) ; sublamina 5a (par)
lame intrastriée (paire) ; sublame 5a (paire)
77809 | 6142 |
stria laminae pyramidalis internae iso (par) ; sublamina 5b (par)
strie de la lame pyramidale interne (paire) ; sublame 5b (paire)
9102 |
lamina substriata limitans (par) ; lamina 6 (par)
lame substriée limitante (paire) ; lame 6 (paire)
9109 |
sublamina substriata (par) ; sublamina 6a (par)
sublame substrié (paire) ; sublame 6a (paire)
9110 |
sublamina limitans (par) ; sublamina 6b (par)
sublame limitant (paire) ; sublame 6b (paire)
9114 |
stria verticalis (par)
strie verticale (paire)
9116 |
columna corticalis isocorticis (par)
colonne corticale de l'isocortex (paire)
68614 | 9119 |
cortex visualis primarius (par) ; area striata (par)
cortex visuel primaire (paire) ; aire striée (paire)
75667 | 6141 |
stria occipitalis (par)
strie occipitale (paire)
9126 |
columna dominantiae ocularis (par)
colonne de dominance oculaire (paire)
9127 |
columna orientationis (par)
colonne d'orientation (paire)
9132 |
hypercolumna (par)
hypercolonne (paire)
9135↓ |
neura isocorticis (par)
neurones du isocortex (paire)
9139 | tax |
neura projectionis isocorticis (par) ; neura pyramidalia isocorticis (par)
neurones des projection du isocortex (paire) ; neurones pyramidaux du isocortex (paire)
8814 | tax |
neura pyramidalia magna isocorticis (par)
grands neurones pyramidaux du isocortex (paire)
8815 | tax |
neura pyramidalia gigantea isocorticis (par)
neurones pyramidaux géants du isocortex (paire)
9143 | tax |
neura commissuralia isocorticis (par)
neurones commissuraux du isocortex (paire)
8816 | tax |
neura pyramidalia media isocorticis (par)
neurones pyramidaux moyens du isocortex (paire)
9155 | tax |
neura associationis isocorticis (par)
neurones d's association du isocortex (paire)
8817 | tax |
neura pyramidalia parva isocorticis (par)
petits neurones pyramidaux du isocortex (paire)
9170 |
interneura isocorticis (par)
interneurones du isocortex (paire)
8818 | tax |
interneura excitatoria isocorticis (par) ; interneura spinalia isocorticis (par)
interneurones excitateurs du isocortex (paire) ; interneurones épineux du isocortex (paire)
8819 | tax |
neura stellata spinalia isocorticis (par)
neurones stellaires épineux du isocortex (paire)
8820↓ | tax |
interneura inhibitoria isocorticis (par) ; interneura levia isocorticis (par)
interneurones inhibiteurs du isocortex (paire) ; interneurones doux du isocortex (paire)
8821 | tax |
neura axodendritica isocorticis (par)
neurones axodendritiques du isocortex (paire)
8822 | tax |
neura bipolaria isocorticis (par)
neurones bipolaires du isocortex (paire)
8823 | tax |
neura horizontalia isocorticis (par)
neurones horizontaux du isocortex (paire)
8824 | tax |
neura multiplumosa isocorticis (par)
neurones multitouffes du isocortex (paire)
8825 | tax |
neura neurogliaformia isocorticis (par) ; neura araneiformia isocorticis (par)
neurones neurogliaformes du isocortex (paire) ; neurones aranéiformes du isocortex (paire)
8828 | tax |
neura racemiformia biracemiformia isocorticis (par) ; neura biplumosa isocorticis (par)
neurones dendritiques doubles ens bouquets du isocortex (paire); neurones bitouffes du isocortex (paire)
8829 | tax |
neura axosomatodendritica isocorticis (par)
neurones axosomatodendritiques du isocortex (paire)
8831 | tax |
neura corbiformia magna isocorticis (par)
grands neurones ens paniers du isocortex (paire)
8832 | tax |
neura corbiformia parva isocorticis (par)
petits neurones ens paniers du isocortex (paire)
8833 | tax |
neura axoaxonica isocorticis (par)
neurones axoaxonaux du isocortex (paire)
8834 | tax |
neura candelaria isocorticis (par)
neurones ens chandeliers du isocortex (paire)
9180↓ |
complexus claustroinsularis (par) P4 29 children
agrégat claustroinsulaire (paire)
67440 | 6187↓ |
claustrum (par)
barrière (paire)
9186 |
claustrum dorsale (par) ; claustrum insulare (par)
barrière dorsale (paire) ; barrière insulaire (paire) ; avant-mur dorsal (paire)
9187 |
claustrum ventrale (par) ; nucleus endopiriformis (par)
barrière ventrale (paire) ; noyau endopiriforme (paire) ; avant-mur ventral (paire)
9188↓ |
cortex insularis (par)
cortex insulaire (paire)
9189 |
cortex insularis agranularis (par)
cortex insulaire agranulaire (paire)
9206 |
neura projectionis corticis insularis (par)
neurones des projection du cortex insulaire (paire)
9222 |
neura bipolaria magna corticis insularis (par)
grands neurones bipolaires du cortex insulaire (paire)
9223↓ |
cortex insularis dysgranularis (par)
cortex insulaire dysgranulaire (paire)
9227↓ |
cortex insularis granularis (par)
cortex insulaire granulaire (paire)
83687 | 6128↓ | tax |
allocortex (par)
allocortex (paire)
62430 | 6126↓ | tax |
paleocortex (par) P4 122 children
paléocortex (paire)
9183 |
strata bulbi olfactorii (par)
couches du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9228 |
stratum neurofibrosum (par)
couche du nerf olfactif (paire)
9229 |
stratum glomerulosum (par)
couche glomérulaire (paire)
9230 |
glomerulus olfactorius (par)
glomérule olfactif (paire)
9231 |
stratum plexiforme externum (par)
couche plexiforme externe (paire)
9232 |
stratum mitrale (par)
couche mitrale (paire)
9233 |
stratum plexiforme internum (par)
couche plexiforme interne (paire)
9234 |
stratum granulare (par)
couche granulaire (paire)
9237 |
neura bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9332 | tax |
neura projectionis bulbi olfactorii (par) ; neura principalia bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones des projection du bulbe olfactif (paire) ; neurones principaux du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9333 | tax |
neura mitralia bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones mitraux du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9334 | tax |
neura plumosa bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones touffes du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9335 | tax |
neura plumosa externa bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones touffes externes du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9364 | tax |
neura plumosa media bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones touffes moyens du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9365 | tax |
neura plumosa interna bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones touffes internes du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9366 |
interneura bulbi olfactorii (par)
interneurones du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9367 | tax |
interneura excitatoria bulbi olfactorii (par)
interneurones excitateurs du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9368↓ | tax |
neura juxtaglomerulosa bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones juxtaglomérulaires du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9379 | tax |
interneura inhibitoria bulbi olfactorii (par)
interneurones inhibiteurs du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9380 | tax |
neura granularia superficialia bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones granulaires superficiels du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9383 | tax |
neura granularia intermedia bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones granulaires intermédiaires du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9384 | tax |
neura granularia profunda bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones granulaires profonds du bulbe olfactif (paire)
9387 | tax |
neura periglomerulosa bulbi olfactorii (par)
neurones périglomérulaires du bulbe olfactif (paire)
6306 |
cellulae dopaminergicae bulbi olfactorii (par)
cellules dopaminergiques du bulbe olfactif (paire) ; neurones dopaminergiques A16s (paire)
77628 | 6182↓ |
strata regionis retrobulbaris (par)
couches de la région rétrobulbaire (paire)
9238 |
stratum moleculare (par)
couche moléculaire (paire)
9239 |
stratum densocellulare (par)
couche densocellulaire (paire)
9240 |
stratum multiforme (par)
couche multiforme (paire)
9242 |
strata corticis piriformis structurae olfactoriae (par)
couches du cortex piriforme (paire)
9245 |
stratum moleculare (par)
couche moléculaire (paire)
9246 |
stratum densocellulare (par)
couche densocellulaire (paire)
9247 |
stratum multiforme (par)
couche multiforme (paire)
9243 |
strata regionis periamygdaloideae (par)
couches de la région périamygdaloïde (paire)
9248 |
stratum moleculare (par)
couche moléculaire (paire)
9250 |
stratum densocellulare (par)
couche densocellulaire (paire)
9244 |
strata regionis peripaleocorticalis claustralis (par)
couches de la région péripaléocorticale claustrale (paire)
9251 |
stratum moleculare (par)
couche moléculaire (paire)
9252 |
stratum densocellulare (par)
couche densocellulaire (paire)
9253 |
stratum dissecans (par)
couche dissécante (paire)
9272 |
stratum multiforme (par)
couche multiforme (paire)
62424 | 6125↓ | tax |
archicortex (par) P4 121 children
archicortex (paire)
9295 |
regiones hippocampi (par)
régions de l'hippocampe (paire)
74042 | 6151 |
cornu ammonis 1 (par)
corne de Ammon 1 (paire)
72044 | 6152 |
cornu ammonis 2 (par)
corne de Ammon 2 (paire)
72045 | 6153 |
cornu ammonis 3 (par)
corne de Ammon 3 (paire)
75741 | 6154 |
cornu ammonis ammonis (par)
corne de Ammon Ammon (paire)
6157 |
strata hippocampi (par) ; strata cornus ammonis (par)
couches de l'hippocampe (paire) ; couches des las cornes d'Ammons (paire)
83149 | 6158 |
stratum lacunomoleculare (par)
couche lacunomoléculaire (paire)
83894 | 6161 |
stratum radiatum (par)
couche radiante (paire)
83895 | 6160 |
stratum pyramidale (par)
couche pyramidale (paire)
83893 | 6159 |
stratum oriens (par)
couche oriens (paire)
9023 |
neura hippocampi (par)
neurones de l'hippocampe (paire)
9298 | tax |
neura projectionis hippocampi (par)
neurones des projection de l'hippocampe (paire)
9299 | tax |
neura pyramidalia hippocampi (par)
neurones pyramidaux de l'hippocampe (paire)
9305↓ |
interneura hippocampi (par)
interneurones de l'hippocampe (paire)
9307 | tax |
interneura inhibitoria hippocampi (par)
interneurones inhibiteurs de l'hippocampe (paire)
9312 | tax |
neura corbiformia hippocampi (par)
neurones ens paniers de l'hippocampe (paire)
9326 | tax |
neura bistratificata hippocampi (par)
neurones bistratifiés de l'hippocampe (paire)
9328 | tax |
neura candelaria hippocampi (par)
neurones ens chandeliers de l'hippocampe (paire)
8764 |
substantia alba hippocampi (par)
matière blanche de l'hippocampe (paire)
13172 | ||||||
61970 | 6286↓ | |||||
9331 | ||||||
61965 | 6091 | |||||
8538 | ||||||
9396 | ||||||
9397 | ||||||
8539↓ | ||||||
9398 | ||||||
83867 | 6156 | |||||
83866 | 6075 | |||||
83678 | 6163 |
strata gyri dentati (par)
couches du gyrus denté (paire)
83677 | 6164 |
stratum moleculare gyri dentati (par)
couche moléculaire du gyrus denté (paire)
83146 | 6165 |
stratum granulare gyri dentati (par)
couche granulaire du gyrus denté (paire)
72358 | 6166 |
stratum multiforme gyri dentati (par)
couche multiforme du gyrus denté (paire)
9399 |
neura gyri dentati (par)
neurones du gyrus denté (paire)
9400 | tax |
neura projectionis gyri dentati (par) ; neura principalia gyri dentati (par)
neurones des projection du gyrus denté (paire) ; neurones principaux du gyrus denté (paire)
9401 | tax |
neura granularia gyri dentati (par)
neurones granulaires du gyrus denté (paire)
9402 |
interneura gyri dentati (par)
interneurones du gyrus denté (paire)
9403 | tax |
interneura excitatoria gyri dentati (par)
interneurones excitateurs du gyrus denté (paire)
9404 | tax |
neura muscosa gyri dentati (par) ; neura stellata gyri dentati (par)
neurones moussus du gyrus denté (paire) ; neurones stellaires du gyrus denté (paire)
9405 | tax |
interneura inhibitoria gyri dentati (par)
interneurones inhibiteurs du gyrus denté (paire)
9406 | tax |
neura corbiformia pyramidalia gyri dentati (par)
neurones pyramidaux ens paniers du gyrus denté (paire)
9407 | tax |
neura candelaria gyri dentati (par) ; neura axoaxonica gyri dentati (par)
neurones ens chandeliers du gyrus denté (paire); neurones axoaxonaux du gyrus denté (paire)
11908 |
strata subiculi (par)
couches du subiculum (paire)
8760 |
stratum moleculare subiculi (par)
couche moléculaire du subiculum (paire)
8761 |
stratum pyramidale subiculi (par)
couche pyramidale du subiculum (paire)
8763 |
stratum multiforme subiculi (par)
couche multiforme du subiculum (paire)
84039 | 6129↓ | tax |
mesiocortex (par) P4 101 children
mésiocortex (paire)
8920 | tax |
proisocortex (par)
proisocortex (paire)
8921 | tax |
periallocortex (par)
périallocortex (paire)
8922 | tax |
peripaleocortex (par)
péripaléocortex (paire)
8924 | tax |
periarchicortex (par)
périarchicortex (paire)
12168↓ |
strata presubiculi (par)
couches de la présubiculum (paire)
9411 |
stratum moleculare presubiculi (par)
couche moléculaire de la présubiculum (paire)
9412 |
stratum principale externum presubiculi (par)
couche principale externe de la présubiculum (paire)
9413 |
stratum principale internum presubiculi (par)
couche principale interne de la présubiculum (paire)
12169 |
strata parasubiculi (par)
couches de la parasubiculum (paire)
9415 |
stratum moleculare parasubiculi (par)
couche moléculaire de la parasubiculum (paire)
9416 |
stratum cellulare parasubiculi (par)
couche cellulaire de la parasubiculum (paire)
9417↓ |
strata corticis entorhinalis (par)
couches du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9418 |
stratum moleculare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 1 corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche moléculaire du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; lame 1 du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9421 |
stratum principale externum corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche principale externe du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9422 |
stratum stellare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 2 corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche stellaire du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; lame 2 du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9425 |
stratum pyramidale corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 3 corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche pyramidale du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; lame 3 du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9427 |
lamina dissecans corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 4 corticis entorhinalis (par)
lame dissécante du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; lame 4 du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9428 |
stratum principale internum corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 5 corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche principale interne du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; lame 5 du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9429 |
stratum magnocellulare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; sublamina 5a corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche magnocellulaire du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; sublame 5a du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9430 |
stratum parvocellulare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; sublamina 5b corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche parvocellulaire du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; sublame 5b du cortex entorhinal (paire)
9431 |
stratum 5c corticis entorhinalis (par) ; sublamina 5c corticis entorhinalis (par)
couche 5c du cortex entorhinal (paire) ; sublame 5c du cortex entorhinal (paire)
8766 |
strata corticis perirhinalis (par)
couches du cortex périrhinal (paire)
8767 |
stratum moleculare corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 1 corticis perirhinalis (par)
couche moléculaire du cortex périrhinal (paire) ; lame 1 du cortex périrhinal (paire)
8768↓ |
stratum stellare corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 2 corticis perirhinalis (par)
couche stellaire du cortex périrhinal (paire) ; lame 2 du cortex périrhinal (paire)
8769 |
stratum pyramidale externum corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 3 corticis perirhinalis (par)
couche pyramidale externe du cortex périrhinal (paire) ; lame 3 du cortex périrhinal (paire)
8770 |
lamina dissecans corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 4 corticis perirhinalis (par)
lame dissécante du cortex périrhinal (paire) ; lame 4 du cortex périrhinal (paire)
8771 |
stratum pyramidale internum corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 5 corticis perirhinalis (par)
couche pyramidale interne du cortex périrhinal (paire) ; lame 5 du cortex périrhinal (paire)
8772 |
stratum multiforme corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 6 corticis perirhinalis (par)
couche multiforme du cortex périrhinal (paire) ; lame 6 du cortex périrhinal (paire)
9454↓ |
cortex cingularis (par)
cortex cingulaire (paire)
9433↓ |
cortex retrosplenialis (par)
cortex rétrosplénial (paire)
9434 |
cortex ectosplenialis (par)
cortex ectosplénial (paire)
9443 |
cortex retrosplenialis granularis (par)
cortex rétrosplénial granulaire (paire)
9453 |
cortex retrosplenialis dysgranularis (par)
cortex rétrosplénial dysgranulaire (paire)
9449 | tax |
substantia alba hemispherii cerebri (par) P4 117 children
matière blanche de l'hémisphère cérébral (paire)
9459↓ |
centrum semiovale (par)
centre semiovale (paire)
61960 | 6267↓ | tax | ||||
62076 | 9508↓ | tax | ||||
77636 | 6275 | |||||
77633 | 6276 | |||||
61950 | 6239 | tax |
capsula interna (par)
capsule interne (paire)
61952 | 6241 | tax |
crus anterius (par)
segment antérieur (paire)
76976 | 5877 | |||||
75223 | 6243 | |||||
61953 | 6244 | tax |
genu capsulae internae (par)
genou de la capsule interne (paire)
75222 | 6245 | tax | ||||
61954 | 6246 | tax |
crus posterius capsulae internae (par)
segment postérieur de la capsule interne (paire)
76978 | 5878 | |||||
8528 | tax | |||||
9196 | tax | |||||
265586 | 8527 | tax | ||||
8525 | tax | |||||
8535 | tax | |||||
7574 | ||||||
61957 | 6254↓ | tax |
pars retrolentiformis capsulae internae (par) ; crus retrolentiforme capsulae internae (par)
partie rétrolentiforme de la capsule interne (paire) ; segment rétrolentiforme de la capsule interne (paire)
8534 | tax | |||||
6256 | ||||||
61941 | 5884 | |||||
12178 | ||||||
76982 | 5886 | |||||
61958 | 6259↓ | tax |
pars sublentiformis (par)
partie sublentiforme (paire) ; segment souslentiforme (paire)
8500 | ||||||
12176 | ||||||
6261 | tax | |||||
61941 | 5884 | |||||
12178 | ||||||
8536 | tax | |||||
8525 | tax | |||||
260714 | 7616 | tax | ||||
260717 | 6274↓ | tax | ||||
77630 | 6273↓ | tax | ||||
14223 | ||||||
77631 | 6272↓ | |||||
9484 | ||||||
9485 | ||||||
9486 | ||||||
11829 | ||||||
77634 | 6277 | |||||
276650 | 6269↓ | |||||
14203 | ||||||
14221 | ||||||
77636 | 6275 | |||||
77633 | 6276 | |||||
14215 | ||||||
14222 | ||||||
14216 | ||||||
77632 | 6271 | |||||
14217 | ||||||
260761 | 6270 | |||||
14218 | ||||||
9510↓ | ||||||
14219 | ||||||
83457 | 11830 | |||||
14220 | ||||||
9511 | ||||||
9512 | ||||||
6278↓ | ||||||
6279 | ||||||
6280 | ||||||
6281 | ||||||
6282 | ||||||
6283 | ||||||
8522 | tax | |||||
6285 | ||||||
77693 | 6085 | tax | ||||
61944 | 6086 | |||||
61949 | 6087 | |||||
77208 | 6088 | |||||
61970 | 6286↓ | |||||
61961 | 5799 | tax | ||||
61963 | 6089 | tax | ||||
61964 | 6090 | tax | ||||
61959 | 6266 | tax |
capsula externa (par)
capsule externe (paire)
8524 | tax | |||||
77637 | 9509↓ | |||||
84379 | 6193 | |||||
13173 | ||||||
9395 | ||||||
9544 | tax | |||||
8525 | tax | |||||
6256 | ||||||
72634 | 8526 | tax | ||||
9196 | tax | |||||
8528 | tax | |||||
12525 | ||||||
265586 | 8527 | tax | ||||
224856 | 12543 | |||||
8532 | tax | |||||
8535 | tax | |||||
8536 | tax | |||||
8534 | tax | |||||
18661 | 6265 | tax |
corona radiata (par)
couronne rayonnante (paire)
61841 | 6168↓ |
corps amygdaloïde (paire) ; agrégat amygdaloïde (paire) ; amygdale (paire)
9547 | tax |
nuclei basolaterales (par)
noyaux basilatéraux (paire)
68855 | 6173 | tax |
nucleus basalis lateralis amygdalae (par)
noyau basique latéral de l'amygdale (paire)
68858 | 6174 | tax |
nucleus basalis medialis amygdalae (par)
noyau basique médial de l'amygdale (paire)
77606 | 6169 |
area transitionis amygdaloclaustralis (par)
aire du claustrum du corps amygdaloïde (paire)
61866 | 6178 | tax |
nucleus lateralis amygdalae (par)
noyau latéral de l'amygdale (paire)
9579 | tax |
nuclei centromediales (par)
noyaux centromédiaux (paire)
74047 | 6175 | tax |
nucleus centralis amygdalae (par)
noyau central de l'amygdale (paire)
74046 | 6179 | tax |
nucleus medialis amygdalae (par)
noyau médial de l'amygdale (paire)
9580 | tax |
nuclei intercalati amygdalae (par)
noyaux intercalés de la amygdale (paire)
9581 |
area transitionis amygdalostriatalis (par)
aire de transition amygdalostriée (paire)
9582 |
amygdala extenta (par)
corps amydaloïde étendu (paire)
77609 | 6186 |
pars sublenticularis amygdalae (par)
partie sublenticulaire de l'amygdale (paire)
77699 | 6177 | tax |
nucleus interstitialis amygdalae (par) ; nucleus interstitialis partis posterioris commissurae anterioris (par)
noyau interstitiel de l'amygdale (paire) ; noyau interstitiel de la partie postérieure de la commissure antérieure (paire)
9583↓ |
amygdala olfactoria (par)
corps amygdaloïde olfactif (paire)
61861 | 6172 | tax |
area amygdaloidea anterior (par)
aire amygdaloïde antérieure (paire)
9846 | tax |
nucleus corticalis anterior amygdalae (par)
noyau cortical antérieur de l'amygdale (paire)
9847 | tax |
nucleus corticalis posterior amygdalae (par)
noyau cortical postérieur de l'amygdale (paire)
9848 | tax |
nucleus corticalis ventralis amygdalae (par)
noyau cortical ventral de l'amygdale (paire)
61865 | 6180 | tax |
nucleus tractus olfactorii lateralis (par)
noyau de la strie olfactive latérale (paire)
77607 | 6170 |
area transitionis amygdalohippocampalis (par)
aire de transition amygdalohippocampique (paire)
77608 | 6171 |
area transitionis amygdalopiriformis (par)
aire de transition amygdalopiriforme (paire)
62485 | 6181 |
cortex periamygdaloideus (par)
cortex périamygdaloïde (paire)
8786 |
substantia alba corporis amygdaloidei (par)
matière blanche du corps amygdaloïde (paire)
8525 | tax | |||||
61974 | 6111 | |||||
8544 | ||||||
8126 | ||||||
77616 | 6230↓ |
subpallium (par) P4 14 children
subpallium (paire)
77618 | 6231 | tax |
striatum (par)
striatum (paire)
83684 | 6233 |
pallidum (par)
pallidum (paire)
9545 |
area diagonalis (par)
aire diagonale (paire)
62313 | 5785 |
area preoptica (par)
aire préoptique (paire)
6216 | tax |
nuclei basales (par) ; corpora striata (par) P4 162 children
noyaux basiques (paire)
61833 | 6217 |
nucleus caudatus (par)
noyau caudé (paire)
61852 | 6218 |
caput nuclei caudati (par)
tête du noyau caudé (paire)
61853 | 6219 |
corpus nuclei caudati (par)
corps du noyau caudé (paire)
61854 | 6220 |
cauda nuclei caudati (par)
queue du noyau caudé (paire)
77615 | 6221 |
nucleus lentiformis (par) ; nucleus lenticularis (par)
noyau lentiforme (paire) ; noyau lenticulaire (paire)
61834 | 6222 |
putamen (par)
putamen (paire)
62469 | 6223 | |||||
61839 | 6224 |
globus pallidus lateralis (par); globus pallidalis externus (par)
pallidum latéral (paire); globe pallidal externe (paire)
62470 | 6225 | |||||
61840 | 6226 |
globus pallidus medialis (par); globus pallidalis internus (par)
pallidum médial (paire); globe pallidal interne (paire)
6227 |
pars lateralis (par)
partie latérale (paire)
62471 | 6228 |
lamina medullaris accessoria (par)
lame médullaire accessoire (paire)
6229 |
pars medialis (par)
partie médiale (paire)
9839 |
substantia grisea striati (par)
matière grise du striatum (paire)
77620 | 6232 |
striatum dorsale (par)
striatum dorsal (paire)
9840↓ |
substantia grisea nuclei caudati (par)
matière grise du noyau caudé (paire)
9841 |
striosoma (par)
striosome (paire)
9842 |
matrix striatalis (par)
matrice striée (paire)
6240 |
pontes grisei caudatolenticulares (par) ; pontes grisei transcapsulares (par)
ponts gris caudolenticulaires (paire) ; ponts gris transcapsulaires (paire)
77614 | 6205 |
striatum ventrale (par)
striatum ventral (paire)
9844↓ |
fundus striati (par)
fond du striatum (paire)
61889 | 6206 | tax |
nucleus accumbens (par)
noyau accumbens (paire)
77385 | 6207 | tax |
pars centralis (par)
partie centrale (paire) ; région nucléaire (paire)
77386 | 6208 | tax |
pars medialis (par)
partie médiale (paire)
61891 | 6199 |
tuberculum olfactorium (par)
tubercule olfactif (paire)
6194 |
insulae olfactoriae (par) ; insulae terminales (par)
îlots olfactifs (paire); îlots terminaux (paire)
9852↓ |
neura striati (par)
neurones du striatum (paire)
9853 | tax |
neura projectionis striati (par) ; neura principalia striati (par)
neurones des projection du striatum (paire) ; neurones principaux du striatum (paire)
8791 | tax |
neura spinosa magnitudinis mediae striati (par)
neurones épineux des tailles moyennes du striatum (paire)
8792 |
interneura striati (par)
interneurones du striatum (paire)
8794 | tax |
interneura excitatoria striati (par)
interneurones excitateurs du striatum (paire)
8795 | tax |
interneura cholinergica striati (par)
interneurones cholinergiques du striatum (paire)
8797↓ | tax |
interneura inhibitoria striati (par)
interneurones inhibiteurs du striatum (paire)
8799 | tax |
interneura GABAergica striati (par)
interneurones GABAergiques du striatum (paire)
9845 |
substantia grisea pallidi (par)
matière grise du pallidum (paire)
77619 | 6234 |
pallidum dorsale (par) ; globus pallidalis (par)
pallidum dorsal (paire); globe pallidal (paire)
9145 |
pallidum ventrale (par)
pallidum ventral (paire)
8800 |
neura globi pallidi (par)
neurones du globe pallidal (paire)
8801 |
neura projectionis globi pallidi (par) ; neura principalia globi pallidi (par)
neurones des projection du globe pallidal (paire) ; neurones principaux du globe pallidal (paire)
8804 |
neura magna globi pallidi (par)
grands neurones du globe pallidal (paire)
8805 | tax |
substantia alba nucleorum basalium (par)
matière blanche de noyaux basiques (paire)
8806 | tax |
tractus striatales (par)
voies striées (paire)
61960 | 6267↓ | tax | ||||
61959 | 6266 | tax | ||||
77637 | 9509↓ | |||||
62070 | 5874 | tax | ||||
61976 | 5875 | |||||
77525 | 5888 | |||||
62065 | 5890 | |||||
8807 | tax |
connexus striatales (par)
connections striées (paire)
8808 | tax |
connexus afferentes striatales (par)
connections afférentes striées (paire)
9544 | tax | |||||
8543 | ||||||
7918 | ||||||
8485 | tax | |||||
8809 | tax |
connexus efferentes striatales (par)
connections efférentes striées (paire)
8546 | ||||||
8118 | ||||||
8810 | tax |
connexus pallidales (par)
connections pallidales (paire)
8811 | tax |
connexus pallidales afferentes (par)
connections pallidales afférentes (paire)
8546 | ||||||
7922 | ||||||
8812 | tax |
connexus pallidales efferentes (par) ; fibrae pallidofugales (par)
connections pallidales efférentes (paire)
8547 | ||||||
8548 | ||||||
8549 | ||||||
8550 | ||||||
8551 | ||||||
77700 | 6167↓ |
partie basique du télencéphale (paire)
61887 | 6183 | tax |
substantia basalis (par)
substance basique (paire)
61887 | 6184 | tax |
nucleus basalis (par)
noyau basique (paire)
61884 | 6185↓ | tax |
nucleus striae terminalis (par)
noyau de la strie terminale (paire)
9123 |
divisio lateralis nuclei striae terminalis (par)
division latérale du noyau de la strie terminale (paire)
9124 |
divisio medialis nuclei striae terminalis (par)
division médiale du noyau de la strie terminale (paire)
9849 |
cellulae cholinergicae substantiae basalis (par)
cellules cholinergiques de la substance basique (paire)
6316 |
cellulae cholinergicae nuclei septalis medialis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch1 (par)
cellules cholinergiques du noyau septal médial (paire) ; cellules cholinergiques Ch1s (paire)
6317 |
cellulae cholinergicae cruris verticalis striae diagonalis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch2 (par)
cellules cholinergiques du pédoncule vertical de la bandelette diagonale (paire) ; cellules cholinergiques Ch2s (paire)
6318 |
cellulae cholinergicae cruris horizontalis striae diagonalis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch3 (par)
cellules cholinergiques du pédoncule horizontal de la bandelette diagonale (paire) ; cellules cholinergiques Ch3s (paire)
6319 |
cellulae cholinergicae nuclei basalis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch4 (par)
cellules cholinergiques du noyau basique (paire) ; cellules cholinergiques Ch4s (paire)
61884 | 6185↓ | tax | ||||
77609 | 6186 | |||||
61973 | 6188 |
stria diagonalis (par)
bandelette diagonale (paire)
77611 | 6189 |
crus horizontale striae diagonalis (par)
pédoncule horizontal de la bandelette diagonale (paire)
77612 | 6190 |
crus verticale striae diagonalis (par)
pédoncule vertical de la bandelette diagonale (paire)
61882 | 6191 | tax |
nucleus striae diagonalis (par)
noyau de la bandelette diagonale (paire)
61885 | 6192 | tax |
substantia innominata (par)
substance innominée (paire)
6209 | tax |
nuclei septales (par)
noyaux septaux (paire)
61877 | 6210 |
nucleus septalis dorsalis (par)
noyau septal dorsal (paire)
61878 | 6211 |
nucleus septalis lateralis (par)
noyau septal latéral (paire)
61879 | 6212 |
nucleus septalis medialis (par)
noyau septal médial (paire)
77547 | 6101 |
nucleus septalis precommissuralis (par)
noyau septal précommissural (paire)
61881 | 6213 |
nucleus septofimbriatus (par)
noyau septofimbrial (paire)
61880 | 6214 |
nucleus septalis triangularis (par)
noyau septal triangulaire (paire)
8623 | tax |
nuclei areae preopticae (par)
noyaux de la aire préoptique (paire)
62326 | 5915 | tax |
nucleus preopticus lateralis (par)
noyau préoptique latéral (paire)
67890 | 5916 | tax |
nucleus preopticus medialis (par)
noyau préoptique médial (paire)
62323 | 5917 | tax |
nucleus preopticus medianus (par)
noyau préoptique médian (paire)
62324 | 5919 | tax |
nucleus preopticus periventricularis (par)
noyau préoptique périventriculaire (paire)
8624↓ | tax |
nucleus preopticus ventrolateralis (par)
noyau préoptique ventrolatéral (paire)
5914 | tax |
nuclei interstitiales (par)
noyaux interstitiels (paire)
8625 | tax |
nucleus dimorphus sexualis (par)
noyau dimorphique sexuel (paire)
8626 |
cellulae dopaminergicae areae preopticae (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A15 (par)
cellules dopaminergiques de la aire préoptique (paire) ; cellules dopaminergiques A15s (paire)
699 lines
71.8 %
69.8 %
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
5971 |
Some new items have been added from ten Donkelaar HJ, Tzourio-Mazoyer N, Mai JK (2018) Toward a common terminology for the gyri and sulci of the human cerebral cortex. Front Neuroanat 12:93.
5972 |
The Pallium has four components of which the Pallium dorsale gives rise to the Isocortex (Neocortex), the Pallium laterale to the Claustro-insular complex, the Pallium mediale to the Formatio hippocampi, and the Pallium ventrale to the Olfactory cortex and the Pallial amygdala (see TE, Section Neuroembryology).
5992 |
For the Polus frontalis (Frontal pole) and its subdivision, see Petrides M, Pandya DN (2012 The frontal lobe. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 988-1011; Bludau S, Eickhoff SB, Mohlberg H, et al. (2014) Cytoarchitecture, probability maps and functions of the human frontal pole. Neuroimage 93:260-275.
5996 |
For subdivision of Broca’s area, see Amunts K, Schleicher A, Bürgel U, et al. (1999 Broca’s region revisited: Cytoarchitecture and intersubject variability. J Comp Neurol 412:319-341). The Sulcus diagonalis (of Eberstaller) is a variable branch of the Sulcus lateralis, dividing the Pars opercularis into two parts. The Sulcus radiatus (of Eberstaller) may indent the Pars triangularis from above.
6005 |
See note # 6006
6006 |
The Angular and supramarginal gyri form with the Parietal operculum the Lobulus parietalis inferior (Inferior parietal lobule or IPL). The Gyrus angularis (Angular gyrus; BA39) can be further subdivided (see Caspers S, Amunts K, Zilles K 2012 Posterior parietal cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1036-1035). The Operculum parietale (Parietal operculum) contains four cytoarchitectonic, functionally defined areas OP1-4 (see Eickhoff S, Schleicher A, Zilles K, Amunts K 2006a The human parietal operculum. I. Cytoarchitectonic mapping of subdivisions. Cereb Cortex 16:254-267; Eickhoff S, Amunts K, Mohlberg H, Zilles K 2006b Stereotaxic maps and correlation with functional imaginig results. Cereb Cortex 16:268-279). The Gyrus supramarginalis (Supramarginal gyrus; BA40) can be further subdivided (see Caspers et al. 2012).
6007 |
See note # 6006
6008 |
In monkeys, the Intraparietal sulcus contains numerous intraparietal areas (AIP, LIP, MIP, PIP and VIP), area PEip and area V6A (Rizzolatti G, Luppino G, Matelli M 1998 The organization of the cortical motor system: New concepts. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 106:283-296). In the human brain, at least AIP and VIP areas have been identified (Seitz RJ, Binkofski F 2003 Modular organization of parietal lobe functions as revealed by functional activation studies. Adv Neurol 93:281-292).
6011 |
The Lobulus parietalis superior (Superior parietal lobule or SPL) can be divided into a Preparietal area (BA5 with subdivisions) and a Superior parietal area (BA7 with subdivisions; see Scheperjans F, Eickhoff SB, Mohlberg H, et al. 2008 Probabilistic maps, cytoarchitectonic morphometry, and variability of areas in human superior parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex 18:2141-2157).
6012 |
See note # 6006
6019 |
The Gyrus temporalis superior (Superior temporal gyrus; BA22) is not a homogeneous cortical area; it contains various cytoarchitectonically and functionally distinct cortical areas. Its Pars anterior (Anterior part or Belt area) forms the Secondary auditory cortex (BA42 or A2; see Morosan P, Rademacher J, Schleicher A, et al. 2001 Human primary auditory cortex: Cytoarchitecture, subdivisions and mapping into a spatial reference system. Neuroimage 13:684-701; Zilles and Amunts 2012). Its Pars posterior (Posterior part or Wernicke's area) is a loosely defined region which comprises the Posterior part of BA22 but also parts of the Inferior parietal lobule.
6020 |
See note # 6019
6021 |
The Dorsal part of the Gyrus temporalis superior contains three Sulci temporales transversi (Transverse temporal sulci): the Planum polare (Polar plane) is separated from the Transverse temporal gyri of Heschl by the Sulcus temporalis transversus anterior (Anterior transverse temporal sulcus), the Gyri temporales transversi (Transverse temporal gyri) are subdivided by the Sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius (Intermediate transverse temporal sulcus), and the Planum temporale (Temporal plane) is separated from the Posterior transverse temporal gyrus by the Sulcus temporalis transversus posterior (Posterior transverse temporal sulcus or Heschl's sulcus; see Duvernoy 1992).
6024 |
See note # 6021
6029 |
For the Inferomedial aspect of the Temporal lobe, usually the terms Gyrus temporalis inferior (T3), Gyrus fusiformis (T4) and Gyrus parahippocampalis (T5) are used, separated by the Occipitotemporal and the Collateral sulci.
6030 |
See note # 9188
6052 |
The following Gyri orbitales can be distinguished: 1) the Gyrus orbitalis medialis, the gyrus between the olfactory sulcus and the medial orbital sulcus; 2) the Gyrus orbitalis anterior, the cortex rostral to the transverse orbital sulcus; 3) the Gyrus orbitalis posterior, the cortex caudal to the transverse orbital sulcus; and 4) the Gyrus orbitalis lateralis, the gyrus lateral to the lateral orbital sulcus. The caudal parts of the medial and posterior orbital gyri merge to form the Lobulus orbitalis posteromedialis as described by Türe U, Yasargil DCH, Al-Mefti O, Yasargil MC (1999 Topographic anatomy of the insular region. J Neurosurg 90:720-733) and Naidich TP, Kang E, Fatterpekar GM, et al. (2004 The insula: Anatomic study and MR imaging display at 1.5T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 25:222-232). Mai and Majtanik (2017 Human Brain in Standard MNI Space. Academic/Elsevier, San Diego) also described a Regio orbitalis posterolateralis.
6053 |
Lateral to the Sulcus olfactorius, there are two longitudinally directed sulci, the Sulcus orbitalis medialis and the Sulcus orbitalis lateralis, which are joined together by the Sulcus orbitalis transversus to form the impression of an H or a K pattern (Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). The cingulate sulcus continues around the rostrum of the corpus callosum, where it is also known as the Sulcus rostralis superior. This sulcus may continue as the Sulcus rostralis inferior, which separates the straight gyrus from the medial surface of the frontal lobe.
6067 |
The Gyrus cingularis (Cingulate gyrus) can at least be divided into an Anterior, a Posterior and a Retrosplenial part. Vogt BA, Palomero-Gallagher N (2012 Cingulate cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 943-987) added a Midcingulate cortex.
6069 |
See note # 8762
6071 |
The Uncus is treated in various ways: 1) as the rostral part of the Parahippocampal gyrus; 2) as a structure on its own. TNA suggests the latter. Insausti R and Amaral DG (2012 Hippocampal formation. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 896-942) advocated to restrict the term Uncus to the Gyrus uncinatus, the Band or limbus of Giacomini and the Gyrus intralimbicus (or Uncal apex). The Sulcus semianularis (Semi-anular sulcus) separates the Ambient and Semilunar sulci (see Duvernoy HM 1992, 1998 The Human Hippocampus, 2nd ed. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York). The Gyrus uncinatus is the most rostral part of Uncal bulge, according to Insausti and Amaral (2012) and part of field CA1. The Limbus fasciae dentatae (Band of dentate gyrus) is the Middle part of the Uncus, first described by Giacomini CH (1884 Fascia dentata du grand hippocampe dans le cerveau de l'homme. Arch Ital Biol 5:1-16, 205-209, 396-417) and part of the Dentate gyrus. The Gyrus intralimbicus (Intralimbic gyrus or Uncal apex) is the most caudal part of the Uncal bulge and part of field CA3.
6125 |
The Archicortex includes the Hippocampus (Ammon's horn, Dentate gyrus and Subiculum), Presubiculum, Parasubiculum, Entorhinal cortex, Retrosplenial cortex and a cortical band in the Cingulate gyrus (Stephan 1975; Zilles K, Amunts K 2012 Architecture of the cerebral cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 836-895).
6126 |
The Paleocortex includes the Olfactory bulb, Retrobulbar region ('Anterior olfactory nucleus'), Olfactory tubercle, Septal and Piriform (BA51) regions and a minor part of the Amygdala (Stephan 1975; Zilles and Amunts 2012).
6128 |
The Allocortex includes the Paleocortex and the Archicortex (Filimonoff IN 1947 A rational subdivision of the cerebral cortex. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 58:296-311; Stephan H 1975 Allocortex. In: Bargmann W (ed) Handbuch der mikroskopischen Anatomie des Menschen, Vol 4: Nervensystem, Band 9. Springer).
6129 |
The Mesocortex (Rose M 1927 Der Allocortex bei Tier und Mensch. I. Teil. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 34:1-11) comprises the Proisocortex, a transition area between the Isocortex and the Allocortex, and the Periallocortex, the adjoining part of the Allocortex (Filimonoff 1947); also known as Paralimbic cortex (Mesulam 1985). The Periallocortex can further be subdivided into the Peripaleocortex (Claustrum) and the Periarchicortex (Entorhinal, Presubicular and Retrosplenial cortices and part of the Cingulate gyrus; Filimonoff 1947; Zilles and Amunts 2012).
6167 |
Under this Heading the structures presented in TA as Substantia basalis, Substantia innominata and Area septalis are grouped. Reichert's 'Substantia innominata' was for a long time a 'terra incognita' of the Basal forebrain. The extensive studies by Heimer and colleagues (Heimer L, Harlan RE, Alheid GF, et al. 1997 Substantia innominata: A notion which impedes clinico-anatomical correlations in neuropsychiatric disorders. Neuroscience 76:957-1006; Heimer et al. 1999; Sakamoto et al. 1999) make the term SI more or less superfluous.
6168 |
The Nuclei of the Corpus amygdaloideum (Amygdaloid body) are replaced into groups following de Olmos JS (2004 Amygdala. In Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 739-868) and Mai JK, Paxinos G, Voss T (2008 Atlas of the Human Brain, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam).
6182 |
See note # 8686
6185 |
The Nucleus striae terminalis (Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis) can be subdivided into various subnuclei, the best known are the Lateral and Medial divisions (see Heimer L, de Olmos J, Alheid GF, et al. 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 1. Handb Chem Neuroanatomy 15:57-226; Sakamoto N, Pearson J, Shinoda K, Alheid GF 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 1. Handb Chem Neuroanat 15:1-55).
6187 |
Traditionally, the Claustrum is divided into a Dorsal (Insular) claustrum, connected with the Isocortex, and a Ventral (Piriform) claustrum or Endopiriform nucleus, connected with the Allocortex (see Druga R 2014 The structure and connections of the claustrum. In: Smythies JR, Edelstein LR, Ramachandran VS, eds: The Claustrum, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 29-84).
6230 |
The Subpallium develops from four Developmental domains (see Puelles L, Harrison M, Paxinos G, Watson C 2013 A developmental ontology for the mammalian brain based on the prosomeric model. Trends Neurosci 36:570-578). Traditionally, the Preoptic area is discussed together with the Hypothalamus. The Amygdala arises from all four Subpallial domains as well as from the Pallium ventrale.
6254 |
The Pars retrolentiformis of the Internal capsule should be treated as a separate component, not as part of the Posterior limb; Crus retrolentiforme suggested as synonym. The Pars sublentiformis also forms a separate component of the Internal capsule; Crus sublentiforme suggested as synonym.
6259 |
See note # 6254
6267 |
The Capsula extrema (Extreme capsule) forms one of the Long association systems involved in language processing (see Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
6269 |
Although in the Fasciculus arcuatus (Arcuate fasciculus) three segments (anterior, long and posterior) were distinguished (Cayani M, Jones DK, ffytche DH 2005 Perisylvian language pathways. Ann Neurol 57:8-16), more recent research showed that the anterior segment belongs to the superior longitudinal fasciculus and the posterior segment is in reality separate and was renamed Fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis (temporoparietal vertical or aslant tract), leaving the long segment as the true arcuate fasciculus (Fernandez-Miranda JC, Wang Y, Pathak S, et al. 2015 Asymmetry, connectivity, and segmentation of the arcuate fascicle in the human brain. Brain Struct Funct 220:3665-3680)
6272 |
The Fasciculus longitudinalis superior (Superior longitudinal fasciculus) appears to be composed of three bundles (SLFI-III or Superior, Middle and Inferior; Makris N, Kennedy DN, McInerney S, et al. 2005 Segmentation of subcomponents within the superior longitudinal fascicle in humans: A quantitative, in vivo, DT-MRI study. Cereb Cortex 15:854-869) as in monkeys (Schmahmann JD, Pandya DN 2006 Fiber Pathways of the Brain. Oxford University Press, New York; Thiebaut de Schotten M, Dell'Acqua F, Valabreque R, Catani M 2012 Monkey to human comparative anatomy of the frontal lobe association tracts. Cortex 48:82-96).
6273 |
Here, the new nomenclature for the long association fibres of the cerebrum is advocated as proposed by Mandonnet E, Sarubbo S, Petit L (2018 The nomenclature of human white matter association pathways: Proposal for a systematic taxonomic anatomical classification. Front Neuroanat 12:94).
6274 |
The Fibrae U-figuratae (U-shaped fibres) were first described by Meynert (1872), and replaced the term Fibrae arcuatae cerebri (Arnold 1838) that became obsolete.
6278 |
Recently, the Fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis (Temporoparietal aslant tract) was demonstrated, replacing the vertical segment of the arcuate fasciculus (Panesar SS, Belo JT, Yeh F-C, Fernandez-Miranda JC 2019 Structure, asymmetry, and connectivity of the human temporo-parietal asland and vertical occipital fasciculi. Brain Struct Funct 224:907-923; see also 6273).
6286 |
(Commissura hippocampi): The old term Psalterium has been added; much in use by clinicians; for a study on the cells of origin of commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation, see Amaral DG, Insausti R, Cowan WM (1984) The commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation. J Comp Neurol 224:307-336.
8539 |
The Via endofolialis (Endfolial pathway) is composed of Hilar Schaffer collaterals from CA3h (see Lim C, Mufson EJ, Kordower JH, et al. 1997 Connections of the hippocampal formation in humans. II. The endfolial pathway. J Comp Neurol 385:352-371).
8624 |
The Nucleus preopticus ventrolateralis is a recently discovered Preoptic nucleus, a sleep-promoting nucleus (Saper CB, Chou TC, Scammell TE 2001 The sleep switch: Hypothalamic control of sleep and wakefulness. Trends Neurosci 24:726-731).
8659 |
The Sulcus frontomarginalis (Frontomarginal sulcus of Wernicke) is an important landmark in the frontal polar region (Duvernoy HM 1992 Le cerveau humain. Springer, Paris; Tamraz JC, Comair YG 2006 Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York), and used as such in the DTI literature (Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
8663 |
The various Motor areas of the Frontal lobe are known as F1-F7 in monkey brains (see Geyer G, Luppino L, Rozzi G 2012 Motor cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1012-1035): F1 is the Primary motor cortex, F2 the Caudal part of the Cortex premotorius dorsalis, F3, the the Caudal part of the Cortex premotorius medialis (SMA proper), F4 the Caudal part of the Cortex premotorius ventralis, F5 the Rostral part of the Cortex premotorius ventralis, F6 the Rostral part of the Cortex premotorius medialis (Pre-SMA), and F7 the Rostral part of the Cortex premotorius dorsalis.
8664 |
See note # 8663
8665 |
See note # 8663
8666 |
Usually, the Sulcus centralis does not reach the Sulcus lateralis and is separated from it by a short gyrus, the Gyrus subcentralis, which is formed by the 'fusion' of the Precentral and Postcentral gyri in their ventralmost parts. The Subcentral gyrus is delimited in front and behind by the Anterior and Posterior subcentral sulci (Dejerine 1895; Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). Also known as: Central or Rolandic operculum, and Inferior frontoparietal 'pli de passage'.
8667 |
See note # 8666
8668 |
See note # 8666
8671 |
See note # 8663
8672 |
See note # 8663
8675 |
See note # 6052
8676 |
See note # 6052
8677 |
See note # 6052
8678 |
See note # 6052
8679 |
See note # 6053
8680 |
See note # 6053
8681 |
See note # 6053
8686 |
The term Nucleus olfactorius anterior of TA is mostly cortical and is replaced by the more appropriate term Regio retrobulbaris (see Zilles and Amunts 2012). The two- or three-layered structure recognizable in lower primates is hardly visible in the human brain.
8706 |
See note # 6019
8708 |
See note # 6019
8714 |
The Cortex ectorhinalis (BA36) is often included as part of the Perirhinal cortex (Ding S-L, Van Hoesen GW 2010 Borders, extent, and topography of human perirhinal cortex as revealed using multiple modern neuroanatomical and pathological markers. Hum Brain Mapp 31:1359-1379) but lies on the other side of the Collateral sulcus.
8719 |
The Cortex perirhinalis (Perirhinal cortex) is also not included in TA; for description, see Augustinack JC, Huber KE, Stevens AA, et al. (2013 Predicting the location of human perirhinal cortex, Brodmann's area 35, from MRI. Neuroimage 64:32-42).
8724 |
Field CA4 appears to correspond most closely to the polymorph zone of the Dentate gyrus, and, therefore, is not a field of the Hippocampus at all. Amaral and Insausti (Amaral DG, Insausti R 1990 Hippocampal formation. In: Paxinos G, ed: The Human Nervous System. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 711-755) suggested the term 'CA3h' for the pyramidal cells within the hilus ('h'), continuous with CA3.
8734 |
See note # 6071
8735 |
See note # 6071
8736 |
See note # 6071
8737 |
See note # 6071
8738 |
See note # 6071
8739 |
In the French literature, for the Inner ring of the Limbic lobe the term Gyrus intralimbicus is used. In the German literature, however, this term is used for the Uncal apex.
8740 |
The Cortex entorhinalis (Entorhinal cortex) is not included in TA; for description, see Braak H, Braak E (1992 The human entorhinal cortex: Normal morphology and lamina-specific pathology in various diseases. Neurosci Res 15:6-31. The Substantia reticularis alba (White reticular substance of Arnold) is the white matter surrounding the darker patches of Layer 2 cell islands. The Verrucae hippocampi (Hippocampal warts) are located above these cell islands and described by Retzius G (1896 Das Menschenhirn: Studien in der makroskopischen Morphologie. Norstedt, Stockholm) and Klingler J (1948 Die makroskopische Anatomie der Ammonsformation. Denkschr Schweiz Naturforsch Ges, Vol 78, Fretz, Zürich). They mark the surface of the Entorhinal cortex.
8742 |
See note # 8740
8756 |
The Sulcus intrarhinalis (Intrarhinal sulcus) is found between the Ambient gyrus and the Entorhinal cortex (see Duvernoy 1992; Insausti and Amaral 2012).
8757 |
See note # 8762
8762 |
The Dentes subiculi (Gyri of Andreas Retzius) were described by Retzius (1896) for the Caudal part of CA1 at the Hippocampal tail; the term Gyri subspleniales (Subsplenial gyri) indicate their position. Deep to the Gyri andreae retzii, two obliquely oriented small gyri are found (Duvernoy 1998; Insausti and Amaral 2012): 1) a medial gyrus: the Fasciola cinerea, which forms the visible part of the Dentate gyrus as descibed by Giacomini (1884) and Klingler (1948); and 2) a lateral gyrus: Gyrus fasciolaris (Fasciolar gyrus), corresponding to the caudal end of the CA3 field.
8768 |
The Cortex perirhinalis (Perirhinal cortex; BA35) and the Transentorhinal subregion of Braak and Braak (1992) are somewhat synonymous terms (Augustinack JC, Huber KE, Stevens AA, et al. 2013 Predicting the location of human perirhinal cortex, Brodmann's area 35, from MRI. Neuroimage 64:32-42). In other studies (Ding S-L, Van Hoesen GW 2010 Borders, extent, and topography of human perirhinal cortex as revealed using multiple modern neuroanatomical and pathological markers. Hum Brain Mapp 31:1359-1379), BA 36 is included within the Perirhinal cortex. This is unfortunate since BA35 is periarchicortex but BA36 (Ectorhinal cortex) is truly isocortex. The Layers of BA35 are comparable to those of the adjacent Entorhinal cortex.
8780 |
See note # 5996
8781 |
The Sulcus intermedius primus (First intermediate sulcus of Jensen) may subdivide the Lobulus parietalis inferior into the Gyrus supramarginalis and the Gyrus angularis (Duvernoy 1992; Tamraz and Comair 2006). The Sulcus intermedius secundus (Second intermediate sulcus of Eberstaller) is found posterior to Jensen's sulcus.
8782 |
See note # 8781
8793 |
See note # 5972
8797 |
The large cholinergic neurons of the Striatum were originally described as Giant interneurons by Kölliker. Three types of GABAergic striatal interneurons can be distinguished, based on size and the colocalization of Parvalbumin, Somatostatin/NPY and Calretinin (Bolam 2010; Haber et al. 2012).
8798 |
See note # 5972
8820 |
Mainly GABAergic interneurons (see Markram H, Toledo-Rodriguez M, Wang Y, et al. 2004 Interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory system. Nat Rev Neurosci 5:793-807; Ascoli GA et al. 2008 Petilla terminology: Nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex. Nat Rev Neurosci 9:557-568; DeFelipe J et al. 2013 New insights into the classification and nomenclature of cortical GABAergic interneurons. Nat Rev Neurosci 14:202-216); the current subdivision is based on preferred postsynaptic region.
8826 |
See note # 5972
8827 |
See note # 5972
8830 |
Functional subdivision of the Isocortex as described by Mesulam M-M (1985 Patterns in behavioral neuroanatomy. In: Mesulam M-M, ed: Principles of Behavioral Neurology. Davis, Philadelphia, PN, pp 1-70). The Granular isocortex ranges from Hypergranular through Granular to Dysgranular.
9122 |
The Lobulus parietalis superior may be divided into an anterior and a posterior portion by the Sulcus parietalis transversus (Transverse parietal sulcus of Brissaud), originating on the medial side and extending to the lateral side of the hemisphere (see Tamraz and Comair 2006).
9135 |
Here, the Isocortical neurons are added, in part following and modifying TH terms. They are subdivided into Pyramidal neurons (Projection, Commissural nand Association eurons) and Excitatory and Inhibitory interneurons. In general, Small pyramidal neurons are found in Layer II and give rise to ipsilateral Corticocortical projections. Medium-sized pyramidal neurons are found in Layer III and give rise to Commissural projections. The Large pyramidal neurons in Layer V give rise to the Corticofugal projections (Mountcastle VB 1998 The Cerebral Cortex. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA).
9180 |
The Pallium laterale gives rise to the Claustro-insular complex (see Puelles L 2014 Development and evolution of the claustrum. In: Smythies JR, Edelstein LR, Ramachandran VS, eds: The Claustrum, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 119-176).
9188 |
The Insula is composed of three Belt regions (see Mesulam M-M and Mufson EJ (1985 The insula of Reil in man and monkey. Architectonics, connectivity and function. In: Peters A, Jones EG, eds, Cerebral Cortex, Vol 4, Plenum Press, New York, pp 179-226): 1) The Cortex insularis agranularis (Agranular insular cortex, where Layers II and IV are lacking) in the Anterior insula is characterized by a Superficial pyramidal layer and an Inner cell layer, continuous with the Pyramidal layer of the Piriform cortex. Here, the recently rediscovered von Economo neurons (VENs) are found (see Allman JM, Tetreault NA, Hakeem AY, et al. 2011 The von Economo neurons in fronto-insular and anterior cingulate cortex. Ann NY Acad Sci 1225:59-71). 2) The Cortex insularis dysgranularis (Dysgranular insular cortex), a Proisocortical region characterized by the presence of an inconspicuous Inner granular layer IV. Layers V and VI are also not as clearly separated from each other as in true isocortex. 3) The Cortex insularis granularis (Granular insular cortex), a posterior granular region with clearly visible Inner (layer IV) and Outer (layer II) granular layers (True isocortex; see also Zilles and Amunts 2012).
9223 |
See note # 9188
9227 |
See note # 9188
9305 |
The classic Golgi studies by Cajal (Ramón y Cajal S 1909-1911 Histologie du système nerveux de l'homme et des vertébrés. Maloine, Paris) and Lorente de Nó R (1934 Studies on the structure of the cerebral cortex. II. Continuation of the study of the ammonic system. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 46:113-177) showed the presence of some 20 different types of interneurons in the Hippocampus. Most of them have been immunohistochemically defined (see Freund TF, Buzsaki G 1996 Interneurons of the hippocampus. Hippocampus 6:347-470; Somogyi P 2010 Hippocampus: Intrinsic organization. In: Shepherd GM, Grillner S, eds: Handbook of Brain Microcircuitry. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 148-164). Some 28 types of GABAergic interneurons can be distinguished (Somogyi 2010), basically: Basket neurons, Bistratified neurons, and Chandelier neurons.
9368 |
There are many types of Short-axon cells described by among others Blanes, Cajal (Vertical cell), Golgi and Van Gehuchten (Mori K 1987) Membrane and synaptic properties of identified neurons in the olfactory bulb. Prog Neurobiol 29:275-430; Shepherd GM, Chen WR, Greer CA 2004 Olfactory bulb. In: Shepherd GM, ed: The Synaptic Organization of the Brain, 5th ed. Oxford Uniersity Press, New York, pp 165-216). As in TH, these cells are not included.
9417 |
In the Cortex entorhinalis (Entorhinal cortex), Insausti et al. (Insausti R, Tuñón T, Sobreviela T, et al. 1995 The human entorhinal cortex: A cytoarchitectonic analysis. J Comp Neurol 355:171-198) distinguished 8 subfields (EO, ER, ELR, EMI, EI, ELC, EC and ECL). For the layers of the Entorhinal cortex, the subdivision by Insausti and Amaral (2012) into six Laminae is advocated. To avoid confusion with isocortical layers, here, arabic numerals are used as in the literature. TH Latin and English terms (H4.8.03.104/114) are added. For Layers 2 and 3, the general term External principal layer is advocated, for Layer 5 Internal principal layer, following Braak H, Braak E (1992 The human entorhinal cortex: Normal morphology and lamina-specific pathology in various diseases. Neurosci Res 15:6-31). Layer 2 is made up of islands of relatively large and darkly stained modified pyramidal and stellate cells (Braak and Braak 1992: Pre-a). Layer 3 corresponds to layers Pre-ß and Pre-? of Braak and Braak (1992). The layers Pre-a, Pre-ß and Pre-? form their External principal layer. Layer 5 corresponds to the Internal principal layer with sublayers Pri-a, Pri-ß and Pri-? of Braak and Braak (1992).
9433 |
The complex Cortex retrosplenialis (Retrosplenial cortex) consists of Periarchicortical (BA26) and Proisocortical (BA29, 30) areas (Braak H 1980 Architectonics of the Human Telencephalic Cortex. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York; Zilles and Amunts 2012). The TH nomenclature (H4.8.03.122/129) seems to combine these different structures. The Cortex ectosplenialis (Ectosplenial cortex; BA26) has a primitive three-laminar pattern with Molecular, Densocellular and Multiform layers. The Cortex retrosplenialis granularis (Granular retrosplenial cortex; BA29) shows a four-layered structure: Molecular, External and Internal pyramidal and Multiform layers. The Cortex retrosplenialis dysgranularis (Dysgranular retrosplenial cortex; BA 30) shows a further progression of laminar differentiation with an additional (Internal) granular layer.
9454 |
For further subdivision of the Cortex cingularis (Cingulate cortex) with Layers, see Vogt BA, Palomero-Gallager N (2012) Cingulate cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 934-987.
9459 |
This term, introduced in 1684 by Vieussens as 'Centrum ovale' to indicate the oval shape of the Cerebral white matter, continuous with the Internal capsule, was later changed into Centrum semiovale by Flatau E (1894 Atlas des menschlichen Gehirns und des Faserverlaufes. Karger, Berlin) and others. In the clinical literature, this term is common usage. It was included by His and colleagues in the BNA.
9508 |
The Pedunculus temporalis (Temporal peduncle) forms the connection between the temporal and frontal lobes and contains: (1) the Fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior (Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus); and (2) the Fasciculus uncinatus cerebri (Uncinate fasciculus).
9509 |
The Fasciculus subcallosus (Subcallosal fasciculus or Bundle of Muratoff; Muratoff W 1893 Secundäre Degenerationen nach Durchschneidung des Balkens. Neurol Centralbl 12:714-729) forms a separate bundle of Corticostriatal fibres (see Schmahmann JD, Pandya DN 2007 The complex history of the fronto-occipital fasciculus. J Hist Med 16:362-377).
9510 |
The Fasciculus frontalis obliquus (Frontal aslant tract or Frontal oblique tract) connects the SMA and pre-SMA with the opercular part of the Inferior frontal gyrus (Catani M, Dell'Acqua F, Vergani F, et al. 2012 Short frontal lobe connections of the human brain. Cortex 48:273-291).
9583 |
De Olmos (de Olmos J 1990 Amygdala. In: Paxinos G, ed: The Human Nervous System. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 583-710) introduced the term 'Olfactory amygdala' for the 'Superficial cortex-like amygdaloid region' (Yilmazer-Hanke DM 2012 Amygdala. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 759-834).
9840 |
The Striatum and Putamen consist of AChE-poor Striosomes within an AChE-rich matrix (Graybiel AM, Ragsdale CW Jr 1978 Histochemically distinct compartments in the striatum of human, monkey and cat demonstrated by acetylthiocholinesterase staining. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 75:5723-5726; Graybiel AM 1990 Neurotransmitters and modulators in the basal ganglia. Trends Neurosci 13:244-254).
9844 |
The term Fundus striati points to the ventral parts of the Caudate nucleus and Putamen, that with the Nucleus accumbens and the Olfactory tubercle form the Ventral Striatum.
9852 |
For Golgi studies see Braak H, Braak E (1982 Neuronal types in the striatum of man. Cell Tissue Res 227:319-342), and Graveland GA, Williams RS, DiFiglia M (1985 A Golgi study of the human neostriatum: Neurons and afferent fibers. J Comp Neurol 234:317-333); for immunohistochemical and physiological data see Bolam JP (2010 Microcircuits of the striatum. In: Shepherd GM, Grillner S, eds: Handbook of Brain Microcircuits. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 109-119) and Haber SN, Adler A, Bergman H (2012 The basal ganglia. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 678-838).
12155 |
In the Regio periamygdaloidea (Periamygdaloid region) according to Brockhaus H (1940 Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie des Mandelkerngebietes. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 49:1-136) and Stephan (1975) only two layers can be distinguished.
12158 |
Frequently, a series of furrows delineates the Sulcus paracinguli (Paracingulate sulcus), which separates the medial division of the superior frontal gyrus from the Gyrus paracinguli (Paracingulate gyrus).
12159 |
See note # 12158
12160 |
See note # 6052
12161 |
See note # 6052
12162 |
See note # 6053
12163 |
See note # 6053
12168 |
TH subdivision into six layers (H4.8.03.115/121) suggested a well-divided structure. Insausti and Amaral (2012) emphasized that the laminar organization of the Presubiculum is complex and only poorly understood. They described a single, superficially located cellular layer made up of External and Internal principal layers. Their subdivision is followed here.
Signature |
Type of list | P3F |
List Unit Identifier | 5264 |
Sublist 1 | 5991 lobus frontalis 225/80 on 12.12.2020 |
Sublist 2 | 6004 lobus parietalis 50/21 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 3 | 6013 lobus occipitalis 55/20 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 4 | 6017 lobus temporalis 82/31 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 5 | 6030 insula 44/15 on 27.3.2019 |
Sublist 6 | 6066 lobus limbicus 137/48 on 3.4.2019 |
Sublist 7 | 6077 corpus callosum 4/5 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 8 | 6098 septum pellucidum 4/3 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 9 | 6125 archicortex 121/48 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 10 | 6126 paleocortex 122/41 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 11 | 6129 mesocortex 101/34 on 12.12.2020 |
Sublist 12 | 6130 isocortex 182/61 on 27.3.2019 |
Sublist 13 | 6167 pars basalis telencephal proprius 88/31 on 27.3.2019 |
Invalid signature | 228 (stored value 4872) |
Error in sublist | Found children 97 Found units 34 |
Sublist 14 | 6168 corpus amygdaloideum 84/31 on 19.4.2018 |
Invalid signature | 2533 (stored value 9554) |
Error in sublist | Found children 75 Found units 28 |
Sublist 15 | 6216 nucleus basalis 162/69 on 12.12.2020 |
Invalid signature | 9161 (stored value 9126) |
Sublist 16 | 6230 subpallium 14/5 on 9.3.2019 |
Sublist 17 | 9180 complexus claustroinsularis 29/10 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 18 | 9449 substantia alba hemispherii cerebri 117/98 on 17.5.2021 |
Invalid signature | 5032 (stored value 7853) |
Sublist 19 | 12438 gyrus interlobaris 29/10 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 20 | 13176 sulcus interlobaris 45/16 on 14.3.2020 |
Subtotals | subchildren 1695 subunits 677 |
Proper children | 77 |
Number of children | 1772 (validated) |
Proper units | 22 |
Number of units | 699 (validated) |
Signature | 13166 (validated since 13.12.2020) |
Date: 29.07.2024 |